
Thursday, 24 July 2014

"Cannot start session without errors, "


I faced an issue after installing phpmyadmin on one of the server. I am unable to load the phpmyadmin url giving error as "Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. "

The issue was with some permission with session path of php

For fixing the issue. First note the php settings path in php.ini using the command

php -i | grep -i session

For me the session path is /var/lib/php

I just gave is 777 permission using the command

chmod 777 /var/lib/php

Then the issue was resolved and I was able to login to phpmyadmin now.

Thanks and Regards

Friday, 11 July 2014

How to Restore a table into a new table in the same database


Please use the commands to restore a table into another table in a database. Below are the commands for that .

Login to mysql database using the credentials and then run these commands in the prompt

CREATE TABLE chillar_card_recharge_new LIKE chillar_card_recharge;
INSERT chillar_card_recharge_new SELECT * FROM chillar_card_recharge;

In the first command it will create a table chillar_card_recharge_new like chillar_card_recharge.

In the second command it will copy the table data into the new table we had created.

Thanks and Regards
