
Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Login Problem in horde,squirrel mail and roundcube in Cpanel


 Please run the following command in root SSH:


Where is the domain name in question. If it doesn't show any ownership, then move the following files:

cd /etc

mv userdomains userdomains.bak

mv trueuserdomains trueuserdomains.bak

mv domainusers domainusers.bak

At that point, run the following script and recheck ownership for the domain:



If instead of showing no ownership, the domain showed the wrong ownership, you'd have to edit the /var/cpanel/users/username file that is improperly owning the domain to remove the DNS line that it has for that domain, then run the above move and updateuserdomains commands.

If the ownership is correct, then at that point, try instead checking the Roundcube logs as it has the most accurate logging of the 3 webmail programs. Try to log into the account in Roundcube, and then go to /var/cpanel/roundcube and tail the log:

Also if didn't fiz run /usr/local/cpanel/bin/updatehorde --force

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/updatesquirrelmail --force

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/updateroundcube --force

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